Selasa, 10 April 2012


Irawan Suntoro*
University of Lampung

Regulations of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2007 on the Standard Supervisory School / Madrasah establish standards of qualification and competence of schools / madrasah supervisor. Competence standard is a set of capabilities that must be owned and dominated by the school superintendent to be able to perform basic tasks, functions and responsibilities. Divided competency standards in six dimensions: 1) the competence of personality, 2) supervision of managerial competence, 3) the competence of academic supervision, 4) the competence of educational evaluation, 5) research and development competencies, and 6) social competence. Of the six competencies above, which is closely related to educational supervision are: the competence of managerial supervision, supervision of academic competence, and competence of educational evaluation. These competencies are very helpful and supportive for the improvement of educational quality in schools.
This research aims to obtain empirical data about their perceptions of the competence of school principals in supervised school superintendent of education at the high school in Bandar Lampung. This study uses a survey method, the number of respondents 56 principals. Collecting data using three-scale closed questionnaire. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) Supervisory Competence in Conducting Supervision of Education in the context of managerial competence perceived by high school principal in the same category are not good. Supervisors have not done the main task and function as the maximum managerial supervision is to help principals and teachers in improving education quality, (2) Supervisory Competence Doing Supervision of Education in the context of academic competence perceptions by school heads in the same category unfavorable. Supervisors of school principals are rarely helpful in the nurturing and guiding teachers in the preparation of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and Syllabus, and increasing learning process in the classroom, (3) Supervisory Competence Doing Supervision of Education in the context of educational evaluation by supervisory competence perceptions of school heads in the same category are not good. Supervisor is less helpful to the school principal jointly develop and monitor implementation of learning / counseling and student learning outcomes, and analyze it for improvement quality of education.
Key words: perception, competency, supervision, education

**Dipublikasikan melalui PROCEEDING International Seminar Theme Globalization Of Education : Professionalism of Lecturers and teachers on challenges and Opportunities, Bandar Lampung Monday, 21 June 2010, postgraduate programs Lampung University, ISBN : 978-979-8510-14-4.
* Dosen Fakultas Keguruan dan llmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung.


Basically, education is to form intelligent human resources, skilled and well a certain character. Education plays a very important role in the intellectual life of the nation, so sue the people in them to cooperate and fully responsible to ensure that quality education can be improved. Various efforts have been made by the government in improving education quality, such as with publication Law No. 20 year 2003 about Education System of National, Act No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and Government Regulation No. 19 on National Education Standards.
According to Law No.20 of 2003 on National Education System that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing their own potentials to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation and country.
To realize the goal achievement of National Education, required by each component of the collective consciousness of education among teachers, parents, community, school principals and government. Because education is a working system between components that are interrelated with each other. Collective consciousness is meant is that every element of education must have a sense of responsibility in order to achieve the goal of education, one element of education is the teacher.
Teachers as a profession bears the specific requirements as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 year 2003 on National Education System. In Article 39 stated: "Teachers are professionals in charge of planning and executing the learning process, assess learning outcomes, coaching and training, and conduct research and dedication to the community, especially for educators at the college." To be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities, a teacher must have some ability and specific skills. Ability and skills as part of the competency of teacher professionalism. Competence is an ability that is absolutely owned by the teachers to their duties as educators can be done well.
To make teachers as professionals we need to hold coaching constantly and continuously, and make teachers as workers need to be considered, valued and recognized professionalism. To make them a professional is not merely to improve their competence either through the provision of upgrading, training and the opportunity to learn again but need to also pay attention to in terms of other teachers such as improving discipline, providing motivation, providing guidance through supervision, incentives, salary keprofesionalnya feasible so that it can be achieved with better educational quality. This is one of the principal tasks as manager was to do coaching and assessment of teacher professionalism. This assessment is important to do considering its function as a motivational tool for the management to teachers or for teachers themselves. The headmaster also in liaison with the school superintendent as an educational supervision in order to achieve a good quality of education. The task force supervisor of education not only do the coaching and managerial principals, but also nurture teachers through academic supervision.
Supervisors closely related in assisting school principals and institutions in order to improve the quality of education. Supervision of education is one of the elements that play a role and responsibility responsible in improving the quality of education, given the supervisor also is the person who supervised the education. In the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) No. 12 of 2007 on Supervision of guidance of subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant. (3) Competence Education evaluation, ie: Structuring criteria and indicators of success of education and learning / coaching lessons in every subject clusters of subjects that are relevant, Guiding every subject clusters of subjects relevant, Assessing the performance of principals, teachers and school staff performance in carrying out the main tasks and responsibilities to improve the quality of education and learning / guidance on subjects in each cluster of Standards of School / Madrasah contain qualifications and competency standards of the school superintendent. Explain the qualification standards for academic requirements and non academic appointed school superintendent. Competency standards describe a set of capabilities that must be owned and controlled by the school superintendent to be able to carry out basic tasks, functions, and responsibilities. There are six dimensions of competence that must be controlled by the school superintendent that: (a) personal competence, (b) supervision of managerial competence, (c) the competence of academic supervision, (d) the competence of educational evaluation, (e) The competence of research and development, and (f) social competence. Of the six competencies above, regulatory competence in educational supervision are: the competence of managerial supervision, supervision of academic competence, and competence of educational evaluation. (1) Competence Managerial supervision, namely: in charge of methods, techniques and principles of supervision, Prepare oversight program based on the vision, mission, goals and programs, Develop working methods and instruments necessary for carry out duties and functions of supervision, Prepare reports the results of monitoring and follow up, Maintain school principals in administrative management education unit based quality improvement management education, school principals and teachers nurture in conducting counseling, Encourage teachers and principals in reflecting on the results accomplishments to discover strengths and shortage in performing their tasks, Monitor the implementation of national education standards, and utilizing the results to assist principals in preparing for school accreditation. (2) Academic Supervision Competency, namely: Understanding concepts, principles, basic theories, characteristics, and trends of development of each family of subjects in the relevant subjects, Understanding the concepts, the principles of the theory / technology, characteristics, and trends of development of the learning process / guidance each subjects in the thicket of relevant subjects, Guiding teachers in preparing the syllabus for each family of subjects in the relevant subjects in school based content standards, standards of competence and basic competence, and principles of SBC development, Guiding teachers in selecting and using strategies / methods / techniques teaching / guidance which can develop the potential of students through a lesson in spy thicket of relevant subjects in school, Guiding teachers in preparing learning implementation plan (RPP) for each family of subjects in the relevant subjects, Guiding teachers in implement learning activities / guidance (in the classroom, laboratory, and / or in the field) for each subject, Guiding teachers to manage, maintain, develop and use educational media learning facilities / teachers in determining important aspects of learning assessed in / guidance lessons in subjects that are relevant, monitor the execution of teaching / counseling and student learning outcomes, and analyze it for quality improvement learning / subjects under the guidance of each cluster of subjects that are relevant, nurture teachers in using assessment results to the interests of education and learning / guidance is needed and each clump of subjects relevant subjects, Manage and analyze data from the headmaster of performance assessment, performance of teachers and staff school at upper secondary school / vocational. there are still many obstacles or problems relating to implementation of regulatory supervision of the school. Generally these problems include: competence regulatory supervision of the education unit that is still relatively low. Whereas supervision purposes to help principals and teachers to see clearly the purpose of education and strive to achieve educational goals by maintaining and developing the methods and procedures for better teaching. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data about the perception of the Principal Supervisor Competency Doing Educational Supervision in high school in Bandar Lampung. Based on the interview was done on a few high school principals in Belfast found that

A survey method, the population of both the subjects of research is all high school principals at Bandar Lampung, the principal amount to 56th man. Implementation of field research conducted in March 2010 was held in conjunction with deliberations as high school principal's job Bandar Lampung. Techniques of data collection using questionnaires which shaped scale and number three consists of 24 items: 8 items managerial competence supervision, supervision of academic competence eight items, and competency evaluation of education eight items.

1. Principal Perceptions of supervisor competence in aspects of supervisory managerial competence.
Principal's perception of the competence of the school superintendent in the supervision aspect of managerial competence, consists of eight items of questions, then the highest value obtained was 24 and the lowest value is 8, this value is obtained by multiplying the number of items with the highest score (3) and lowest (1 ). Number of class 3 are well defined, less and not good, then, created a list which preceded the frequency distribution of the long search for the class interval or intervals.

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Perception of the Principal Supervisor Competency Competency In Aspects of Supervision Managerial.

No. Class Interval Frequency Percentage Category
1 20 – 24 9 16,0% Good
2 14 – 19 17 31,4% Less Good
3 8 – 13 30 53,6% Not Good
Total 56 100%

Based on the above table, the principal perceptions of supervisor competence in aspects of managerial supervision are: the school principal or as many as nine (16.0%) said well, means the principal's perception of regulatory competence in aspects of school supervision managerial competence as educational supervision very little in good competitive category. This in because supervisors as supervisors only supervise school principals only. A total of 17 principals (31.4%) believes that the competence of the school superintendent in the supervision aspect of managerial competence is not good. The headmaster of the opinion of the superintendent of education unit is very rare in coordination with school principals and helped foster or assist teachers in reflecting on the results achieved to find the strengths and deficiencies in implement main task. Then as many as 30 heads of school (53.6%) declared not good. This means that the principal believes that the managerial competence of supervisors as supervision quite less, because supervisors did not master the methods, techniques and principles as an oversight in the context of managerial supervision, such as building principals and teachers in improving education quality.
2. Principal Perceptions of supervisor competence in aspects of competence academic supervision.
Perceptions of school principal and superintendent of competence in aspects of academic supervision competence consists of eight items the question, then the highest value obtained was 24 and the lowest value is 8, this value is obtained by multiplying the number of items with the highest score (3) and lowest (1) . Many defined three classes, namely: Good, Not Good, and Not Good. Later made the list preceded the frequency distribution with class intervals for length or interval.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Perceptions of school principal supervisor competency in aspects of academic supervision competencies.

No. Class Interval Frequency Percentage Category
1 20 – 24 11 19,64% Good
2 14 – 19 27 48,22% Less Good
3 8 – 13 18 32,14% Not Good
Total 56 100%

Based on the above table, the principal perceptions of supervisor competence in aspects of academic supervision are: the principal or as many as 11 (19.64%) stated that good. The principal means of perception of the competence of school superintendent in the supervision of academic competence as an aspect of education is very little supervision in a good competitive category. This educational unit supervisor in because very seldom help the school principal in building and guiding teacher at the school in learning implementation plan (RPP) in the implementation process of the syllabus and classroom learning. A total of 27 heads of school (48.22%) argues that competence in aspects of the school superintendent the supervision of academic competence in the category of less good. The headmaster believes, the superintendent of education unit is very rare in coordination with school principals and teachers participate in managing foster, nurture, develop and use educational media learning facilities / guidance for each subject, and rarely in guiding teachers in implementing instructional activities / guidance (in class, and laboratory or field). Then as many as 18 heads of school (32.14%) believes in a category is not good. This means that the principal believes that the competence of supervisors as the lack of adequate academic supervision, because the supervisors did not master the methods, techniques and principles, basic theory, characteristics and trends of development of each family of subjects in the relevant subjects.

3.Principal's perception of regulatory competence in aspects of competence supervision of educational evaluation
Principal's perception of regulatory competence in evaluating competence aspect of education consists of eight items of questions, then the highest value obtained was 24 and the lowest value is 8, this value is obtained by multiplying the number of items with the highest score (3) and lowest (1). Many defined three classes, namely: Good, Not Good, and Not Good. Subsequently made a list of frequencies that preceded distribution find the class length value interval or intervals.

Table 3. Frequency distribution of the principal perception of the competence of supervisors in aspects of educational evaluation.

No. Class Interval Frequency Percentage Category
1 20 – 24 8 14,28% Good
2 14 – 19 20 35,72% Less Good
3 8 – 13 28 50,00% Not Good
Total 56 100%

Based on the above table, the principal perceptions of supervisors in aspects of supervisory competence education evaluation is: as many as eight principal or (14.28%) stated that good. The principal means of perception of competence in aspects of the school superintendent of education competency evaluation as educational supervision very little in a good competitive category. This in because oversight is lacking in helping school principals in evaluating the learning outcomes in schools and to provide solutions to achieve better learning outcomes. A total of 20 heads of school (35.72%) believes that the competence of the school superintendent in the educational aspects of the competency evaluation in the category of no good. Chief superintendent believes the school is very rare in the education unit shall coordinate with the headmaster and helped foster or assist teachers in determining important aspects of value in teaching / coaching subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant. Then as many as 28 heads of school (50.00%) believes in the category of no good. This means that the school principal as the supervisor of the opinion that the competency evaluation of educational supervision is less, because the supervisors did not master the methods, techniques and principles as the supervisory oversight in the context of educational evaluation, such as building principals and teachers in using assessment results for educational purposes and learning / subjects under the guidance of each cluster of subjects that are relevant.


Supervisory Competence in aspects of managerial supervision in performing supervisory perceptions of education according to most school principals in Bandar Lampung in the same category is not good. This means that the principal believes that the competence of supervisors as the lack of adequate managerial supervision, because the supervisors did not master the methods, techniques and principles as an oversight in the context of managerial supervision, such as preparing oversight program based on the vision, mission, goals and educational programs in schools Senior High / Vocational. Supervisors are also less competent in drafting methods work and instruments needed to perform basic tasks and functions of supervision.
Supervisors should maintain the school principal and teacher reflect on the results achieved fatherly find advantages and disadvantages in implementing the main task, and the development and in guidance counseling. Supervision of schools is also very rare in assisting or fostering of teachers and principals in the management of administrative units based on management education to improve education quality and monitor the implementation of national education standards and use the results to assist principals in preparing for accreditation High School / Vocational.
Supervisory Competence in aspects of academic supervision in educational supervision by the majority of high school principals in Bandar Lampung in the same category unfavorable. The headmaster of the opinion of the superintendent of education unit that the supervisor is very rare in coordination with school principals and teachers involved in managing foster, nurture, develop and use educational media learning facilities / guidance for each subject, and rarely in guiding teachers in implementing instructional activities / guidance (in classroom, laboratory and or field). Supervisory education units are also very rarely help school principals in coaching and guiding teacher at the school in learning implementation plan (RPP) syllabus.
Supervisors should build and guide school principals and teachers in selecting and using strategies / methods / techniques teaching / guidance which can develop students' potentials through spy lessons in subjects that are relevant clusters in the school, this was due to a lack of knowledge of supervisory controller is in Understanding the concepts, principles, basic theories, characteristics, and the development trend of subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant and are less understand development of the learning process / guidance of subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant at the high school / vocational education.
Supervisory Competence in aspects of education in the evaluation of educational supervision by the perception of most high school principals in Bandar Lampung in the same category unfavorable. The headmaster of the opinion of the superintendent of education unit that the supervisor is very rare in assisting school principals in evaluating the learning outcomes in schools. unit superintendent of education is very rare in coordination with school principals and helped foster or assist teachers in determining important aspects of value in teaching / coaching each clump subjects in the relevant subjects. The supervisors did not master the methods, techniques and principles as the supervisory oversight in the context of educational evaluation, such as building principals and teachers in using assessment results for educational purposes. Supervisors should develop criteria and indicators for success in education and teaching / guidance of subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant and monitor the execution of teaching /counseling and student learning outcomes, and analyze it to improve the quality of teaching/guidance of subjects in each cluster of subjects that are relevant.

Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that: Supervisory Competence Doing Supervision of Education in the context of managerial competence perceived by high school principal in the same category are not good. Based on the research, there are 30 school principals (53.6%) of 56 school principals (respondent) declared supervisory competence in managerial supervision is not good. In this case, supervisors only supervise the performance of school principals only. Supervisors should perform basic tasks and function as the maximum managerial supervision is to help principals and teachers in improving education quality.
Supervisory Competence Doing Supervision Supervision of Education in the context of academic competence perceptions by school heads in the same category unfavorable. Based on this research, the principal or as many as 27 (48.22%) from 56 school principals (respondents) believes regulatory competence in aspects of academic supervision unfavorable. In this case, the superintendent of schools is very rare in assisting school principals in coaching and guiding teachers in the preparation of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and the Syllabus, as well as an increase in class learning process.
Doing Supervision Supervisory Competency Education in the context of educational evaluation by supervisory competence perceptions of school heads in the same category are not good. Based on this research, a total of 28 principals (50%) of 56 school principals (respondents) stated competency evaluation of supervisors in aspects of educational supervision was not good. In this case the supervisor is very less in helping the school principal to jointly develop and monitor implementation of the learning / counseling and student learning outcomes, and analyze it for improvement quality of education.
In order to improve competence and performance of the school superintendent in conducting supervision of education in schools, especially at the high school in Bandar Lampung in recommend : (1) The school principal must be more pro-active again for more coordination with other educational elements as well as the superintendent of education unit . (2) To Supervisory Education Unit should be professional on the basic tasks and functions as the supervisor and the supervisor must reproduce in order to master the enrichment methods and the concept of oversight, such as trainings or seminars on supervision, so that supervisors can help contribute and create good cooperation of school principals and teachers in improving the quality of education in schools. (3) To the Department of Education and the Library of Bandar Lampung, should be more professional and proportionate in raising the education unit or school superintendent. In lifting supervisors must comply with the qualification Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 12 of 2007 on Supervision of Standards of School / Madrasah contain qualifications and competency standards of the school superintendent. Qualification standards describe the requirements for academic and non academic appointed school superintendent.


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